God Does Not Make Junk!

God does not make junk; we make junk.

Thomas Keating

I love the wit and truth of Thomas Keating.

God loves you.

That is worth saying again.

God loves you.

You are the apple of God’s eye.

God patiently waits to express through you.

Within you are amazing gifts and abilities that wait to be released into the world.

You cheat the world when you do not share them with the world.

You cheat yourself when you do not share them with the world.

When you become aware of your oneness with God, you become more and more aware of the Infinite Wisdom within that is always available to you.

You do not need to see it in your outer world to know it is possible.

You only need to trust that within you are the infinite resources of God.

And more importantly, you need to take daily action on these infinite resources.


As we approach the Holidays, consider a purchase of Sitting with God for you and or a friend. Let me know what you think.

Bringing you the wisdom of great teachers- live!

January 21 – 22, 2023

Join this Summit to learn from Centering Prayer Teachers and to practice with a global community.

Come Live – or – Watch the Recordings

You Won’t Miss a Thing!

Keynote by Cynthia BourgeaultDid Thomas Keating Outgrow Christianity?

Learn more here


Join Brian Russell and I for our Centering Prayer Gathering this Saturday, December 17, 12 pm to 1:30 pm EST. We will discuss the role thoughts play in centering prayer. Contact me for the zoom link.










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