Why Do I Sit with God?

Why do I sit with God?

I love God.

I trust God.

I want to open to the presence and actions of God within.

I want to put on the mind of Christ.

I want my actions to be motivated by the Spirit within.

I want to be in synch with God.

I want to discover and live from my true self.

My true self is often out of my comfort zone.

That is okay.

God wants me to grow.

I want to learn how to love myself and others.

I need to nourish and refresh my soul.

I want to connect with the infinite wisdom and resources of God.

These silent sits show me the way forward.

They teach me how to live.

They empower me to move forward.

They help me to do things I did not know I could accomplish.

This is why I return to my sits 2-3 times per day.

Silence teaches me who I am.


Who is your future self? Centering Prayer, Affirmations, Journaling, Visualization, and Gratitude are vital to this process. We will discuss how they will connect you to your true self. As you take daily action on this person, amazing things will begin to happen! If you are ready to discover and take action on your future self, reach out to me regarding my four-session offering.

Plenty of time to sign up for the Centering Prayer Summit. Watch live or with access to recordings. Terrific lineup of speakers. You can learn more here.

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