Centering Prayer Gives You Back Time!

I do not have time to practice centering prayer.

You cannot afford to miss your centering prayer sit. 

Paradoxically, the time you take to sit with God gives you back time.

You become more productive!

The letting go you do in centering prayer follows you into your everyday life.

You let go of the long list of things you need to do and hone in and focus on the 1 to 3 must do’s for today.

Centering Prayer is like a reset button.

You hit the midday mark.

You become tired or burned out.

Take another sit.

This sit resets, refreshes and restarts you.

You reconnect to God and what the present moment requires.

God infuses you with energy, power and wisdom to finish the day.

When you look back at the day you are amazed at what you have accomplished.

Don’t underestimate the power of these daily one, two and sometimes three silent sits with God.

You really do have the time to practice centering prayer each day!


Enjoy my newest video: How do you conquer overwhelm?

If you are interested in further exploring centering prayer, journaling, affirmations, visualization and gratitude as a path to deepen your relationship with God and discover and live from your future self, reach out to me regarding my one-on-one offerings.

Invite me to speak to you church group via zoom. I will be happy to share how centering prayer helps us discover our true self and act from this person on a daily basis.

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