Become more aware of your oneness with God.

As you become more aware of your oneness with God your level of confidence raises.

Who am I?

I am a vessel that allows God to be expressed.

Being comfortable means I allow myself to experience life and not identify with it.

I can accomplish whatever I allow my mind to focus on.

When I let go, I allow God to act in me.

I need God to act in me.

While I rest God nourishes my soul.

Rest and relaxation are vital.

Within me are the infinite wisdom and resources of God.

I seem to forget the above.

I need to let go of who I am not and become who I am.

Fear means I have forgotten my oneness with God.

My goal is to continue to expand my awareness of my oneness with God and others.

We are all connected. We need each other. Together we can do and accomplish amazing things.

The more aware I become, the more I will grow and accomplish.

I need to let go and allow my true self to come out and play.


Enjoy my newest video: You cannot afford to miss your centering prayer sit. 

Discover and take action on your future self! Centering Prayer, Journaling, Affirmations, Visualization and Gratitude are vital to this process. Reach out to me regarding my 4-session offering to help you discover and live from your future self!

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