End Your Day with a Brisk Walk

I love to take a brisk walk in the evening after a day of work.

Similar to my centering prayer sit, my body and mind releases its tensions and stress.

Just like my centering prayer sit, I also need this walk!

It completes my day.

I am usually joined by my daughter.

We share our day’s events.

We laugh and enjoy each other’s company!

We take in the beautiful, deep, blue sky and marvel at the bright stars that light up the sky.

I love both the silence and sounds of the late evening.

I think of this as a powerful, contemplative walk.

I let go and connect to God, the sky and the ground.

I encourage you to take a walk in the evening too.

Let me know how it goes.


Enjoy the talk Brian and I gave at the March 18 Centering Prayer gathering.

Reach out to me if you are interested in working with me in a one-on-one coaching relationship. Together we will explore topics such as deepening your relationship with God, discovering your true self and more importantly showing up in the world as your true self. 

Invite me to speak to your group. We will cater the talk to best meet the needs of your group. 

Ask me a question. I read and respond to all emails.

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