Why I Practice Centering Prayer, Journaling, Affirmations and Visualization

I love the combination of centering prayer, journaling, affirmations and visualization.

Let me share how this works for me.

We sit in the silence of centering prayer because we love God.

We come with no expectations.

We say, “Here I am. Do with me what you wish.”

We open to the presence and actions of God within.

We let God pray in us.

I think of it as a reverse prayer.

God prays in us what God knows we need.

Outside of centering prayer, I love to journal.

This is my time to move my thoughts, fears, anxieties, ideas, planning, goals, to paper.

It is very healing.

Journaling helps me to plan my next steps.

What goals does God want me to set.

What has God prayed in me during my centering prayer sits?

How do I determine these goals?

I use my true self barometer.

It does not harm me or others. Often it it moves me out of my comfort zone. That is how I grow. I have an inner peace and calm about it. Lastly, it excites me. If it meets all of these. I move forward on this goal.

I love to write my goals in single sentence statements as if I have achieved them.

I say “I am so happy and grateful now that I __________________.

These are my affirmations.

I read them everyday with powerful and positive emotions.

I believe they have happened.

I visualize and feel what it is like to have achieved them.

I also read my affirmations to God before my centering prayer sits.

I give them to God.

I let them brew with God.

I partner with God on them.

I want to make certain I am not acting from my ego.

I want my actions to be infused with the Spirit within.

Within me are the infinite resources and wisdom of God.

When I become more and more aware of my oneness with God, amazing things will begin to happen!


If you have not read my book, Sitting with God, you can learn more about it here.

I am featured in 22 of the meditations in a new book titled, The Orbit of God’s Love: Prayers and Meditations for Each Day of the Year: A Sampler from Anamchara Books. Learn more here.

Feel free to check out the Monk Manual. The Monk Manual is a great tool to help you jot down your thoughts and reflect on the day. Get 15% off with my discount code: silenceteaches.

Reach out if you want to learn more about working with me in a one-on-one coaching relationship.

Here is how I help my clients:

Imagine what happens when you deepen your relationship with God

-Finally establish a long-term centering prayer practice that has seemed to elude you

Plunge deeper in your existing practice with curiosity and wonder as you explore where it takes you

-What does it mean to let go and let God?

-Discover your true self and take action on this exciting and powerful, new person

-Become more aware of your oneness with God and discover the amazing things that happen when you do

-Begin to do and accomplish things you never thought possible when you blast out of your comfort zone

-Most importantly, we discuss what you want to change in your life! And then take immediate action!

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