Take Action on Your True Self!

Centering Prayer connects me to my true self.

My true self is the person God wants me to be.

My true self includes the actions God wants me to take.

During Centering Prayer God prays in me my true self actions.

Outside of Centering Prayer I reflect upon these inner nudges from God.

Journaling helps me jot down and reflect upon these inner nudges.

I continuously journal on these inner nudges.

I recite them to God before my Centering Prayer sits.

I let them brew with God while I sit.

How do I know I should move forward on them?

Here is my barometer:

I feel an inner peace and excitement about it. It does not harm me or others. Sometimes it moves me out of my comfort zone.

Then I take the next and only step.


Nothing is going to happen if I do not begin to move forward.

I must take daily ACTION.

I think of it as I sit with God and then I walk with God.

God and I partner on my actions.

Together we co create my true self actions.


Enjoy the talk Brian and I gave at the July 15 Centering Prayer gathering:Ā Letting Go and Letting God: The Role of Surrender in Centering Prayer and Life.

I have been using the Monk Manual in the evening before I go to sleep. I like to set three priorities for the next day, reflect upon the highlights of the past day, jot down what I am grateful for and consider one thing I can improve upon tomorrow. I encourage you to check out this wonderful tool.

Centering Prayer, Journaling, Affirmations, Visualization and Gratitude are powerful practices that connect me to my true self and help me deepen my relationship with God. Reach out if you want to explore any of these powerful practices.

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