We Sit and then We Act…

Lately my journaling consists of writing one or two words.

I just jot them down.

Whatever comes to mind, I put it in my notebook.

Here is what I jotted down in a past journal.

-Love you






-Go within


-Inner wisdom


-Infinite resources

-Then act

-Actions infused with your Spirit

Surrendering to God does not mean we take no action.

It means we take action when we know these actions are infused with the wisdom, power, love and resources of the Spirit within.

That is what attracts me to centering prayer.

We sit with God.

We open to the presence and actions of God within.

We then get up from our sits and act.

We partner with God as we move through life.

We sit and then we act.

And keep repeating this wonderful cycle.


Do you want someone to journey with you on your centering prayer practice and help you process what is happening? Reach out to me regarding my one-on-one coaching. 

2 thoughts on “We Sit and then We Act…”

  1. Thank you, Rich. This gives me freedom to write little things in my empty journal. I always have short thoughts or words of insight that seem too small to write in a “Journal.” Instead, I write them on scraps of paper that sometimes find their way into a Word document of my various sayings. Now I feel free to write my little thoughts and small insights in a journal. After all, everything belongs and all of these are sacred.

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