Join the Contemplative Prayer Summit


I’m happy to share the 2-day online Contemplative Prayer Summit on September 23-24.

The event is aimed at inviting people to both start or deepen a contemplative prayer practice, and more importantly, renew their life in God.

The two days include teachings with 8 contemplative teachers drawing on the wealth of insight from the world’s great contemplative traditions.

Some of the of the topics and presentations cover themes like:

“This-ness”: The Franciscan spirituality of John Duns Scotus & Ilia Delio

Be still and know: YOU ARE BELOVED!

The way of remembrance: Sufi practices to awaken the heart

Contemplative spirituality & activism

This Sacred body: the body’s essential role in contemplative prayer

And more

Although there is a cost to join, don’t let lack of finances be a barrier! There is a simple process to get a scholarship noted in the FAQ section. 
The $99 Early Bird price increases September 3rd, so register by the 2nd!

You can learn more by visiting the event page.
I hope you consider joining on September 23 & 24.
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