I love the word allow.
What do you allow to happen in your life?
Do you want to allow the Spirit to flow through you and out into the world?
What does this mean?
What does this look like?
When you allow the Spirit to flow out of you, you are in synch with God.
You act from your true self.
Who is your true self?
This is the person God wants you to be and the actions you should take.
You remove the barriers to this flow: fear, worry, lack of confidence, unworthiness, negativity.
When these barriers are removed, you move forward with your true self actions.
How do you know you are taking true self actions?
You are excited.
You are filled with joy.
You seem to be in the flow.
It feels effortless.
There is an inner peace and calm about it.
It feels right.
Centering prayer (God) helps me allow the Spirit to flow through me.
Centering prayer can help you allow the Spirit to flow through you.
Check out Carl McColman’s new book, The New Big Book of Christian Mysticism.
Still plenty of time to sign up for the Contemplative Prayer Summit. Listen live or with access to the recordings.
Do you allow the Spirit to flow through you? What does this mean? How do you do this? Reach out if you want to further explore.
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