Patience and Persistence Are a Powerful Duo!

Centering prayer teaches both patience and persistence.

Let me elaborate with two examples.

Writing Sitting with God was an exercise in both.

I wrote most of Sitting with God on Saturday mornings at the local Starbucks.

I disciplined myself to write each week from 6 to 10 am on most Saturdays.

I was patient in letting the ideas flow from within.

I was also persistent in that I knew I would find a publisher.

I was determined and would not give up.

Sitting with God was published in August 2020 by Anamchara Books.

I continue to be persistent in that I share it with as many people as I can.

I have been on over 106 and growing podcasts.

This has been and continues to be a great experience as I meet and enjoy wonderful conversations.

In addition to being available at most online booksellers, I walked into two retailers in my local community in Waxhaw, NC.

I shared Sitting with God with them.

And they placed it on their bookshelves!

I will continue this patient and persistent process as I work on my second book.

Let me share a second example.

I recently changed jobs.

I was patient and persistent in this process too.

I patiently performed the pre steps: update my resume, clean up my LinkedIn profile and network with peers.

Then I was persistent and posted for jobs that made sense for me.

I interviewed and patiently waited for the process to play out.

And landed a great remote job which I started on July 3.

Centering Prayer (God) is a great teacher!

Patience and Persistence: A powerful combination!

Where do you need to be patient and persistent?


If you have read Sitting with God and it has nudged you to begin a centering prayer practice and you want some  help getting started, reach out regarding my one on one coaching.

If you have read Sitting with God and you feel like you are merely skimming the surface and there is a much needed depth to your intimacy and relationship with God that you want to explore, reach out regarding my one on one coaching.

Are you a pastor that is burning out? You are worried that you will be of no use to the people you serve unless you take some action. Reach out to me regarding my one on one coaching. The time you take in the self care of centering prayer is vital and will help you better serve others.

I like to wear this prayer rope during my centering prayer sits. Putting it on my neck is a nice way to begin my silent sit. I remove it when my sit is done.

“Ultimately, the sole concern of Jesus as depicted in the Gospel of Mark is with awakening people to eternal life, to discovering divine being within themselves.”

Embodying the Spirit of a Revolutionary Mystic


Powerful audio reminder that the Divine is within!

“The Bible bluntly proclaims that nothing is impossible for God, and with God, all things are possible. The mystical life offers us limitless potential and unbounded possibility.”

I am currently reading The New Big Book of Christian Mysticism: An Essential Guide to Contemplative Spirituality by Carl McColman. 

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