If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it would be enough.
Before I go to bed, I drop to my knees.
I look back on the day.
I thank God for all the small, medium and big things that happened today.
I want this to be the last thing on my mind as I drift off to sleep.
I am beginning to say thank you more in the moment.
When I become discouraged or upset, I immediately say thank you.
I say thank you for all I have now.
I say thank you for all my wonderful experiences.
I even look forward and say thank you for the productive and great day I will have.
I expect to have a great day.
When you expect to have a great and productive day you look for these opportunities.
You begin to take steps and actions in this direction.
As soon as you begin to have negative and discouraging thoughts, replace them with thoughts of being grateful in the moment and grateful for what is yet to come.
Expect to have a great day.
Say to yourself,
“I am so happy and grateful now that I am having a great and productive day.”
Enjoy my short conversation with Ajay over at the KAJ Masterclass. We discuss my book, Sitting with God, and the transforming power of centering prayer.
Enjoy a recent episode over at the Ed Mylett show. His shows feature great interviews and solo episodes. I particularly enjoyed this one discussing building a life you LOVE, grounded in self-appreciation and personal fulfillment!
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