The mystery of the spiritual life is that Jesus desires to meet us in the seclusion of our own heart, to make his love known to us there, to free us from our fears, and to make our own deepest self known to us. In the privacy of our heart, therefore, we can learn not only to know Jesus but, through Jesus, ourselves as well.
– Henri Nouwen
This is exactly how I think of my centering prayer sit.
I quietly sit with Jesus.
I let go of me and all my thoughts and emotions.
I let Jesus speak to my soul.
This is my time to be loved and healed.
Outside of my centering prayer sit, I journal what I think Jesus has prayed in me.
What has he revealed to me about myself that I keep buried within?
These silents sit teach me who I am.
These silent sits teach me the actions I should take.
These silents sits heal me to my innermost core.
I think of what I read in Simply Jesus by N. T. Wright.
“The healing that Jesus offered for sick bodies was to penetrate to the very depths of one’s being. Transformed lives, healed from the inside out, are to be the order of the day when God becomes king.”
I did not understand the great depths of Jesus’ healing until I read, and reread again, these two sentences from N. T. Wright’s book, “Simply Jesus“. (click here to check out)
I think many people, including myself just barely scratch the surface of what Jesus did accomplish and what Jesus can still accomplish in our lives if we let him.
Let me explain what I mean by this.
If we let him, Jesus can heal us.
I do not mean a healing of physical symptoms.
I mean a deeper healing.
I mean a healing that makes us feel whole and loved by the great Creator of this universe.
This is a healing that produces an inner peace.
Despite the world’s outer chaos, we are calm on the inside.
This is a healing when we experience an inner joy for life that we just did not have before.
This is a healing that seals us with an inner confidence that lets us know that all will be ok.
Lastly, this is a healing that seems to allow us to tap into inner wisdom that we will use as we move through life.
What healing have you experienced as a result of your silent sits?
Feel free to let me know
Weekly Tip: The Power of Breathing. I seem to hold stress in my lower stomach. How do I know this? My lower stomach feels tight. With the help of my spiritual director, he recommended breathing exercises. Let me share what I now do. Breathe in a long, slow, deep breath through my nose. Stop when I have inhaled as much as I can. Hold my breath for an internal slow count to ten. With my lips barely touching, slowly exhale through my mouth until I have no more breath to release. Breathe normally for thirty seconds or so. And repeat this cycle two or three more times. What have I discovered? My lower stomach feels much better! It is loose and relaxed. I do this breathing practice in the morning, before centering prayer sits and sporadicly during the day. Let me know if you need some help. Reach out here
I created two new videos. Enjoy. Click here to listen to Discover Your Future Self. Take Daily Action. Impact The World. Click here to listen to The Power of Gratitude. I further elaborate on last weeks’ tip. Click here if you wish to read.
Still time to sign up for the free Reinvent Yourself Summit. Click here to register. Topics include: Confidence and Self-Care, Building Relationships, Health Mindset and Habits, Focus and Manifestation, The Power of Language.
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