This week I share an excerpt from Holistic Mysticism by Amos Smith. Deep rest eludes many of us. God does not want deep rest to elude us. Centering prayer is one practice that is very helpful on this front. Enjoy!
Rest, in the deepest sense, eludes many of us.
Even when we claim to be resting, our minds obsess about things left to do in the inbox, ponder conversations we had, and think, Don’t forget to take the dog out.
The mind constantly churns.
Even with this background noise, people believe they are at “rest,” when really, they’ve simply become so accustomed to the chaos that they no longer notice it.
What they call “rest” is undoubtedly not rest, for true rest, in the deepest sense, lets go of every thought, agenda, desire, intimation, and daydream.
Deep rest is to fall, as if through thin air, with nothing to hold onto and no one or nothing to catch us—and to be at peace as we fall.
We dispense with all intrigue, deliberation, chatter.
We renounce all distortions and frictions in our lives.
And to our surprise, we find a more profound rest than we thought possible.
There are no words, only spaciousness, primal peace, and deep joy.
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden,” said Jesus, “and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
Personally, I find that during centering prayer after a tense day’s work, my body unwinds.
I feel emptiness and release.
Then I am ready for the next day.
I let go of the stress.
I am again receptive like an empty cup.
Click here to learn more about Holistic Mysticism.
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Weekly Tip: The Power of a Morning Routine. Here is what my routine looks like. I read a daily meditation which includes scripture and a short video reflection. I then read my affirmations and look at my vision board. My vision board is pictures I have saved in an album in my iPhone that represent my affirmations. (See my previous weekly tip on affirmations here and visualization here.) I then begin my centering prayer sit. I like to visualize my day and what I will accomplish for about one minute with my eyes closed and then I begin my sit. After my sit I read for 5-10 minutes. This routine takes me about 45 minutes. I love it! I encourage you to create a morning routine. Reach out here
Enjoy my newest video: The Power of Intention. Click here to watch.
I am noticing this new book is temporarily free in kindle, Becoming All Light: The Non-Dual Heart of Christianity by Jory Pryor. Click here to purchase.
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