How do you experience God?

I love to journal!

This is my time to reflect and ponder.

I can type whatever I want.

I will share a recent journal session with you.

How has God evolved for me?

As I continue to open to the presence and actions of God within during centering prayer, my perspective of God continues to change.

God is definitely no longer distant.

This ended about 10 years ago.

God is no longer critical of me and judging me.

This ended as I began to practice centering prayer.

God is within me and outside of me and all around me.

God is much larger and greater than I can ever imagine.

I marvel at His creations from the sub atomic particles to the never ending millions of galaxies.

God loves me like a father and mother loves their child and even more.

God is a never ending, loving presence.

His love is a perfect love.

God wants to have a deep and intimate relationship with me.

God is patient and will wait on me to be ready.

God wants me to share my thoughts and emotions with Him.

Vulnerability with God is vital for our relationship.

I can bring anything to Him.

I say Him but God is beyond gender.

God wants to partner with me in life every day.

God is an amazing, unified field of intelligence and endless possibility.

I can tap into this field at any time.

When I become more and more aware of my oneness with God I tap into this field.

God wants me to have an abundant life.

God wants me to help and serve others.

God wants me to get out of my comfort zone and do and experience amazing and new things.

God implants within me a purpose that serves and helps others.

I need to let the Spirit within animate this purpose.

What will I leave behind when I leave this earth?

What will others say about me?

How can I help and serve others?

I don’t have to look far to help and serve.

To serve is as simple as a smile at a cashier in the supermarket.

God wants me to enjoy life to the max.

I am to bask in God’s beauty: trees, nature, mountains, sky, small towns, French press coffee,  hot and cold mocha, college football.

I see and feel God in the outdoors: the sun, the gentle breeze, the sounds, the trees, the moon.

I love the outdoors!

I will end my post here.

How do you experience God?


How is God communicating with you? Where do you notice or appreciate how God is communicating with you? Who is your true self? What is your purpose? What is God calling you to do? Reach out here to inquire about working with me in a one on one coaching relationship as we together explore these questions.

I love to read books. I am currently reading 12 Easy Steps to Change Your Life: Stop Waiting for that “Big Thing!” by Brian Proctor. (Brian is the son Bob Proctor who passed away in early 2022. Brian enjoys his role as co-founder of KellyProctorCo LLC, an organization created with his wife, Cory Kelly Proctor, whose mission is to empower people to live their best life by leaning into simple yet profound strategies.)

I just finished, Level Up: How to Get Focused, Stop Procrastinating, and Upgrade Your Life by Rob Dial. Filled with great ideas to help with fear, identity, purpose, visualization, focus and more.

I am slowly making my way through Learning to Pray: A Guide for Everyone by James Martin. Topics include: what is prayer, why pray, friendship with God, rote prayer, gifts of imagination, discernment, lectio divina, centering prayer and more.

Still time to experience the Contemplative Summit with lifetime access. Teachers such as James Martin, Ronald Rolheiser, Adam Bucko, Christine Valters Paintner, James Finley, Carmen Acevedo Butcher, Omid Safi, Carl McColman, Tia Norman and more. Click here to learn more.

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