Break through your limiting beliefs!

I must talk about our true self.

I also like to refer to it as my future self.

This is the person that God wishes us to be.

I think God is patient.

God knows who this person is but waits for us to catch up.

We must go within and discover this person.

After we discover this person, we must act!

I believe we must take massive action on this person.

Let the world see and experience this person.

If we do not share this person with the world, we cheat the world.

The world will miss out on the wonderful skills and gifts that were not let loose.

Don’t let fear and limiting beliefs stop you from sharing your unique gifts, skills and future dreams and goals with the world.

Setup a 30 minute exploration call with me. How do you want to transform your life?Β  What impossible goal do you want to accomplish? What limiting beliefs do you want to break through? Imagine we speak again in one year, what amazing results will you share with me? Click here to setup.

Weekly Tip: The Power of Space. Take time to reflect. What do I mean? When I want to plan future weekly tips, I set a timer for 5 minutes. Then I jot down anything that comes to mind. I do not judge. I just fill the page. When the 5 minute timer goes off, I stop. I am done. I do this to discover future posts, future videos, who should I interview, what else should go into my second book. We need to take the time to pause and reflect. Go ahead. Give it a try. Reach out here

Enjoy my newest video: The Power of Action. Click here to watch and subscribe.

Enjoy a solo episode by the Steven Lawson, founder of the Monk Manual. He reflects on the Monk Manual over the last six years. Click here to listen. With my discount code silenceteaches receive 10% off. I have been a proud affiliate since he launched the Monk Manual and was thrilled when I was reached out to try and share it. Click here to peruse his site.

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