I will never recover from that blunder!

During centering prayer we let go of thoughts and emotions.

The practice we get in letting go during centering prayer can come with us in our everyday life.

Do you ever feel or think these?

I feel sad.

I feel lonely.

I will never recover from that blunder.

I don’t have the right skill set to do that task.

I am too old to do this.

I am too young to do this.

I don’t even belong at this table with these achievers.

I don’t even know where to start.

You fill in the _________________.

What do all these have in common?

They are just thoughts.

They are just how you feel.

Are they true?


Let them go!

Replace with:

I feel great.

I am powerful.

I am resilient.

There is nothing I cannot do if I put my mind to it.

I am excited to see what will happen today.

I can ask someone for help.

When I take one action, the path will become more clear.

I love to help and serve others.

You fill in the _____________.


I help pastors, priests and other clergy create a long term sustainable centering prayer practice. This is vital! The important work you do can be physically and mentally draining. The time you take to sit with God will reset, refresh and reinvigorate your soul. You need this time so you do not burn out. Our sessions are a safe place for you to release burdens that you are not meant to carry alone. Reach out to explore working with me.

Setup a 30-minute exploration call with me. How do you want to transform your life? What is your purpose? What impossible goal do you want to accomplish? What limiting beliefs do you want to break through? Imagine we speak again in one year, what amazing results will you share with me? Reach out here.

Weekly Tip: The Power of Persistence. Just keep moving forward. You want to write a book. Write it 500 words at a time. You want to read a book. Read it one chapter at a time. You want to get in better shape. Join a gym. Go 3-5 times per week. Take it one day at a time. You want to learn something new. Purchase an online course. Watch it 3-5 days per week. 30 minutes per sit.  What is the common denominator? Just take action. Don’t quit. Place it in your schedule and take action. Celebrate your progress!

Check out my Resource page. I frequently add new books and online courses.

Imagine achieving results you once thought were out of reach, learning new skills with ease, and becoming more productive and focused than ever before. Click here to learn more about The Limitless Mind System.

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