Living as Citizens Worthy of the Gospel of Christ: A five week study of the Book of Philippians

I’ve been studying Philippians since I was in high school.

I’m known as a professor who specializes in the Old Testament (Exodus and Psalms) but the first course I taught as an Assistant Professor back in Fall 2000 was the Exegesis of Philippians.

Philippians has always held a special place in my faith journey. Philippians 3:14 remains one of my life verses: “I press on toward the goal to win the prize of the upward calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

One of my favorite sermons I ever preached was on Philippians.

I’ve preached and taught every single verse in the book in multiple churches, Bible camps, and classrooms.

I’ve even had the chance to write a short commentary on Philippians (as well as the book of Deuteronomy) for the Wesley One Volume Commentary.

Now I’ve crystallized all of my love for the book itself as well as all of my best insights and learning into a five week self directed study that can be used by individuals or groups (small or large) called “Living as Citizens Worthy of the Gospel of Christ: A five week study of the Book of Philippians.”

Interested in viewing a video sample? Here is the Session 1 introductory video. Click here to watch. Paste this link into your browser: .

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Brian has a free centering prayer course. Click here to enroll.

Books Brian has authored:

Centering Prayer: Sitting Quietly in God’s Presence Can Change Your Life, click here to read.

Astonished by the Word: Reading Scripture for Deep Transformation, click here to read.

(re)Aligning with God: Reading Scripture for Church and World, click here to read.


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